Sunday, April 4, 2010

This and That

Thought you might enjoy looking at my mom's iris! I am absolutely BEYOND tickled that her irises have been moved from Temple to Paris to Rockwall and have bloomed like CRAZY! this year. Makes me so happy. My Nanny (my dad's mother) had such a green thumb and always had lots of flowers in her yard. Then Mother and Shelby had the most beautiful yards. As our little birdies left the nest we had more time to devote to gardening and it is paying off. We so enjoy seeing them bloom and providing beauty. It is also a way of keeping their memory alive of course. They would be so pleased to see something of their beloved home in ours. Sometimes it's just the little things that make life so sweet.

Easter weekend we had our annual family get-together! So much fun. This is my sweet sister and her little granddaughter, Parker Grace. We love her to pieces. She is all girl and so much fun. The first baby we had the in family for 19 years and she's as sweet as she is cute. My sister is in the thick of nursing school. We have so much fun swapping stories - mine antiquated and hers oh-so-contemporary. I tell her mine are a hundred times worse because we wore those ugly caps!!!

Here is my brother Barry and his wife Tina. You did a lot of praying for him and he is doing great. He's been back at work for about a month and starts regular duty this week. Tina was super at taking care of him - never left his side during all those hospitalizations and many, many, many drives back and forth to Dallas from Sulphur Springs. So we are super grateful for his health and your prayers for them today!!

I would love to post pics of my little family but I am grounded from publishing pictures of them - well, just Brandon and Kylie. Matt and Amy were in Austin this weekend for a horse clinic and missed all the hoop-la! They would probably have cooperated. :(

Anyway, we had a wonderful Easter - shed a few tears for our sweet Justin but know that we know - HE'S A-OK.....we just miss him. That part is so hard this side of the good news of Jesus.

And I can't close a post without saying a big THANK YOU to Him for His wonderful gift of eternal life and the wonder of living without the condemnation of sin hanging over our heads. So grateful.....for this life, for the life to come and for the privilege of having you guys as friends on both sides. Happy Easter!

1 comment:

The Mershawn's said...

:) I just love your family...hehe

Thanks for having us. We had a great time!
Love you.