Sunday, March 13, 2011

Asking For Too Little

I was taking a soak in my big bathtub one morning this past week and was just thinking of all kinds of things and talking to the Lord about them. He and I do that a lot. Most of the time I do most of the talking.

We had just come off a business trip in Orlando with a lot of Billy's constituents. I went on a shopping trip with some of the wives and it was a little (ok, a lot) unsettling to try on summer clothes after the winter hibernation. I was lying there soaking, I began telling the Lord what a great plan it would be for Him to take away my taste for food so that I could be slim. Almost immediately I heard His still, small voice say, "How about I take away your bent for sin so that you can be holy?"


Not exactly what I had on my mind that morning. As usual I was thinking a lot smaller than He does. His thoughts are definitely higher than my thoughts. I am interested in the here and now. I am interested in what makes me look better and feel better about myself. He is too - just in a LOT bigger way.

Holiness is beautiful.
Holiness is healthy.
Holiness benefits us.
Holiness is eternal.

I need to lose some weight. I need to do it though not for cuter clothes but for my long-term health. The method for losing it will be a discipline in paying attention to what I eat and practicing recording the 'what' and 'how much' food and exercise I daily engage in.

I need to gain holiness. I need to do that for long-term/eternal health. Gaining holiness requires much the same discipline as losing weight. I need to pay attention to what I put in my mind and heart and then begin practicing holy habits.

Both are difficult because in these days. We are accustomed to the quick fix. We drive by and pick up without thought to what we are actually doing. We want it now and we want it supersized or road rage. We have lost the patience required for long term change. Nothing worth having is easy or fast.

So I'm asking for more these days. More of Him. Less of me. If that comes along with a little weight loss - all the better.

"You shall be holy; for I the Lord your God am holy."