Monday, April 26, 2010


In Psalm 78, the psalmist reminds the children of Israel of their rich heritage in the Lord and of His fierce anger at their faithlessness.

They were complaining about the lack of food when God was preparing to pour out manna from heaven on them.

They were complaining about living in tents when God was preparing to give them houses filled with good things that they did not build or buy.

They were complaining about the wilderness when He was preparing to give them the promised land - a land flowing with milk and honey.

They were complaining about what they could see instead of focusing on what God had promised them.

I'm feeling overwhelmed by my prayer chain requests this morning. I am reluctant to even place on 'paper' the huge needs that are out there. Children dying with cancer, a 6 yo recovering from his 6th open heart surgery, mothers miscarrying babies, cancer, cancer, cancer, a childhood friend who lost his son in a car accident, job loss - it is truly mind-boggling the amount of pain that is out there. And if we choose to focus on what we see instead of what God has promised, we too will begin to complain - will begin to lose faith - will run the risk of God's fierce anger.

If I had the ability to go back in time, I would go to the children of Israel and say, "Hold on! Unimaginable riches are coming. Better things are yet to come. He who promises is faithful to bring them to pass." You and I know it's true because it has already happened and is recorded for us to read. But more than read it - we are to learn and to grow in our own faith because of their living it out.

So that is what I want to say to you today - "Greater things are yet to come." Not because I have seen them but because He said it. It is recorded for us to read, to grow, to understand and to believe. The end of your life story is not yet written. I want mine to be one of great faith. Believing God for His best. He has a plan. It's HIS plan. It is for good.

I believe. Do you?

"In this world you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world!" Jesus


The Mershawn's said...

That was a good deep breath after reading those prayer needs. Ugh. Hard to understand why so many have to hurt, but He is so reassuring. I'm praying for them...especially little Kyla & her family & that wife, baby & parents that just lost their man...sigh.

Anonymous said...

Oh,yes,Sherrie,I do believe "Better things are yet to come". With all the suffering that burdens so many, your message is uplifting. Love, Ann