There are always signs that spring is coming - the tendrils on the trees and shrubs begin to sprout and the air itself gives off a sweet aroma. But the meteorologists would also tell you that a predominant sign is volatile weather which is caused by instability - warm and cold air colliding producing violent thunderstorms and tornado season. I noticed that with the arrival of a warm weekend most people wanted to be outside and they knew that work had to be done on their flowerbeds and yards. They seemed to instinctively know that in order for spring to have its full effect preparation was necessary. Old mulch moved, weeds removed, pruning and planting had to be done. Billy took the top of the dead grass off our lawn and lo and behold there was much green beneath.
The same is true for us. We want our lives to be vibrant and rich in Christ. That will mean preparation for us. Some things need to go and some things need to be added. Sometimes our warm expectations will meet cold realities and violent storms will erupt. They won't take us by surprise if we have prepared our beds with the fertilizer of God's word and the tender covering of His fellowship.
Spring is coming! Your life is preparing to bear fruit for the Master Gardener. He is overseeing your garden with great love, mercy and kindness. He is washing your tender leaves, lifting your head to the Son and allowing into your life enough trouble to cause your roots to go deep. Your life will then be a fragrant aroma of Christ to a hurting and lost world. But it will take preparation on your part. Press in close to Him today. Give Him your life anew. Embrace it all - the good, the bad, the hard and the easy. Learn from Him. Trust Him. Make each day an opportunity to dig your roots deep. He loves you so much and it is to His glory that you bear much fruit!
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