Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's all in the Mind

Just wanted to give you an update on my last post. I told you I was choosing to rest in Christ. To refuse to think negatively just because my circumstances looked negative. To focus on the truth of who God is rather than the way things appeared to be.

Guess what? I'm happier. I'm much less stressed. I'm not 'going there.' It truly is a choice and even though I sometimes fall back into that crummy habit of thinking that I have - I just snatch myself back to my 'new' pattern of thinking. That would be scriptural - 'take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.'

I'm pretty excited. My circumstances haven't changed. My mind has. And that makes all the difference. His word is truth. He gives perfect peace to the mind that is fixed on Him.

May I encourage you to do the same? Begin to focus on the "Who" that God is vs. the "what" you are going through? Let's hold each other to it. Let's honor God with our minds and for once....let's really live this thing out to the praise of His glory. These are exciting days!!!


Julie Simmons said...


Anonymous said...

Sherrie, I know that when I remove the poor me thoughts and focus on God's healing grace, his sweet spirit flows through me and gives me hope for today.Ann