Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Psalm 1: 3

"And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in its season."

It seems I was awakened to a new world this morning. After what always seems to me to be an interminably long and hot summer there is a cooler breeze, a lessening of humidity and rain. And despite the knowledge that summer always gives way to fall, I never fail to be surprised by the change. God's faithfulness to the seasons is a picture of the life of the believer who plants their roots deeply into a relationship with Jesus. As Hurricane Gustav plowed through the Gulf coast states there was a lot of press about uprooted trees and downed power lines. That is the purpose of storms - to uproot and tear down. The trees that are left standing are the ones with the deepest roots.

That's one of our goals as believers - deep roots. Some people believe that deep roots mean a dogged pattern of belief that refuses to budge. But if you have ever planted and tended to a young tree you know that inflexibility will cause a tree to snap. The tree has to have the freedom to bend and sway along with stability to grow strong and upright. Same with you and me. A careful study of God's word will reveal that He rarely revealed Himself to the patriarchs in the same way. One burning bush. One march around a city seven times. One giant with one stone. The greats of scripture never trusted God for yesterday's manna. They sought Him - and were commanded to see Him - fresh daily. Same for you and me. God never changes. His word never changes. But in a relationship - we change. We grow. We learn to respond more quickly to His voice. He entrusts us with more. That is what a living and dynamic relationship is all about.

The second goal is to produce fruit. We aren't meant to just look good or withstand storms. We are meant to produce fruit - but notice - in season. Sometimes we get impatient with ourselves - at least I know I do with myself. I get tired of repeating the same old offenses and falling into the same old pits. But just as God is faithful to the seasons of the year, He is faithful to your life and mine. He will bring fruit from our lives. Our part is to stay planted.

I love the change of the seasons. It is the whisper of the promise of God's goodness to the days ahead. He is faithful. Isn't that a wonder when you consider how unfaithful we tend to be? So as the rain gently falls this morning and I watch the young trees outside my window bend and sway, I too will bless the Lord for roots that grow deep and fruit that grows sweet. And I will trust Him to produce that fruit in my life and yours in His timing.

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