Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

You probably read my welcome to FPM's blogspot on Monday. It was our birth day..... and our funeral was on Tuesday when our blog spot was inadvertently DELETED. Hey! It may be a record for blogs.

But it gives me an excuse to do a little teaching. Life is like my blog. Here today. Gone tomorrow. I'm not talking about death - though I could. I'm talking about opportunity. Opportunity to make an impact on your world for the kingdom comes every day. It may present itself in a person or a problem, a temptation or a trial. But opportunity it is.

Most of us want an encounter that shouts "ministry" not problem. We tend to think that problems are all about consequence and rarely connect the reality that our response to trouble is an opportunity to reveal the God of Light to a world that is dark. We long for health and prosperity rarely to reveal a God of Blessing but of a life of favor. Our challenge in this life is to take advantage of every opportunity each day presents to showcase our relationship to the Living Christ.

When my blogspot disappeared it could not come back under the same name. The gods of blogs are quite unforgiving. One shot and you're out. Not so for you and me. His mercies are new every morning. You have a brand new opportunity this morning to make today count. 24 hours of opportunity present themselves to you. Make them count - for His sake.


Tammy Pearson said...

Oh Yeah, I get to be the first one this time to say how wonderful it is to have it back up. I love the blog site. I was trying to find it at a friends house and couldn't bring it up and was wondering what was going on, a men's site came up under Firmly Planted. Glad to know what happened. Great Job on the designs. Devotional was great too.

Denise said...

Good job recreating the blog. Just stay away from that delete button!! Thanks for taking advantage of that "teachable moment" to show us how God uses opportunity.