But as the Lord would have it - that was the not the day. Didn't really think it would be since I have a feeling we won't have that kind of warning. The Bible is pretty clear that we have all the warning we are going to get. As if earthquakes, wars, riots, natural disasters of all kinds and Jesus Himself saying that no one knows, but to be ready are not enough. But we, being the flesh that we are - just like a little control - as in when, where, how. And God, being the Sovreign that He is, is firmly seated on the throne and He has said all that is to be said on the subject.
But it saddens me a little that I have heard more ridicule and anger directed towards the 'predictor' of the rapture from believers than from the secular world. And I wonder why? Why are we so mean-spirited? Why are we so opposed to someone confronting people with the truth - Jesus is going to return. Life is going to be over as they knew it. Judgement is coming. And for those who do not know Christ, it will be dreadful.
Oh, I know they think it makes us look stupid when it doesn't happen. So what? The cross looks stupid too - if you don't know. It just makes me sad that we are mean. It makes me angry that we can't just say - "No one knows but we need to be ready." Truth is, someone will probably by accident guess correctly! That doesn't take away from the truth of God's word. It doesn't mean they were smarter or more spiritual. It just means eventually it's going to happen.
I don't know. The weather has been VERY different. No country or hemisphere has been neglected. God is making it very clear that no one is exempt from trouble and that we are NOT in control of anything. Financial trouble is hitting the mightiest. Unemployment, inflation and disease are becoming old news. We - the children of God - need to be sensitive to the timing of events and to be pro-active in telling others about the source of our hope. The reason we are not afraid. The certainty that there is more than this life and this world.
If one man's prediction caused one person to ask if there was an escape plan, I am grateful. It was one bite of fruit that brought us to this place in history and God never once took His eye off of the end. We are destined for better than this. Jesus was our rescuer. He was the battle plan sent to redeem us - set us right, return us to a state of excellence. I am just so grateful. So thankful that bite didn't doom us forever.
So...turn your eyes upon Jesus. Be grateful. This world will pass away. We, who know Christ will meet Him in the air.....and so will begin happily ever after. And tell somebody. Perhaps the signs have softened hearts and they will turn. Ask God to help you love enough to tell.