It reminds me of grace. God's grace flows down and covers us. At the beginning we realize it is a beautiful thing that has covered the ugliness of our lives. Gone are the dead twigs and grass. Gone are the pockmarks and the barren places. In their place is a covering of white. Purity. Loveliness. Light. But too often we think of grace like the melting snow. Thinking that it comes and then it goes seeming to leave a mess in its wake. Not so. The melting snow becomes water that goes deep into the earth and prepares it for the next season.
That's what grace does too. It covers us transforming us from a life of sin and death to one of radiant life. Often we want to hold onto that wonder and excitement of newfound grace and we think something is wrong when the 'feelings' evaporate. The only thing wrong is our thought process. Grace is continually working in us to change us. Long after the 'feeling' of grace is gone, the work of grace is continuing. It has gone deep into our souls transforming us and preparing us for the works God has prepared for us.
I love the snow! I love the brightness and the beauty but I know it won't last forever. It wouldn't be healthy if it did. It will be transformed to water and water to hydration for a thirsty earth and winter will give way to springtime and springtime to summer. There is a time for every purpose under heaven.
So rejoice beloved child of God. Your landscape may be dreary today but begin to anticipate all that God has prepared for those He loves. Slow down and enjoy what God has given you today. Whether it appears to be good or bad - spring is coming.